
We have painted the Pavilion and are planning other projects at Kukui'olono Park.

Ho! Ho! Ho! About 100 children from Child & Family Services, in conjunction with Nana's House, were treated to a drive-through Christmas breakfast event with Santa. This annual event is sponsored by our club. The Interact Club helped in advance to wrap Santa's gifts.

Club members presented third graders at four south shore schools with their very own dictionary as well as showing them how to use it!

The club has partnered with Surfrider on beach cleanups. At Maha'ulepu we had 27 Rotary volunteers working to pick up marine debris and microplastics.

Volunteers from our club and the Island School Interact club clean up the highway in the Kalaheo area.

Each year the club raises funds to award scholarships for students attending Kauai Community College in culinary arts, nursing, and skilled trades programs.

Amber Asuncion was awarded a $5000 scholarship from the Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation (HRYF) in 2021.

As Rotarians we believe part of our service is to the broader international community. As part of our international service Rotary Club of Poipu Beach helped to build a pre-school in Pursat Province, Cambodia. We provide ongoing support for the teacher, school supplies, and a meal program. Pictured above is International Service Director Dr. Craig Nishimoto visiting the school along with his wife, Annette.
Rotary Clubs across Kauai installed and continue to maintain the yellow beach rescue tubes on our beaches. To date we know of over 140 people being rescued with these devices and there may be more. Please watch this video produced by the Kauai Lifeguard Association on how to use the tubes. It's wise to be prepared!
Rotary Club of Poipu Beach installed and continues to maintain all the beach rescue tubes on the South shore of the island.